
Arachne Yoke

Yesterday was this year’s (and the ninth) SewBrum meet-up. Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket or donated a prize to the charity raffle, we raised £1,138 for this year’s charities; Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid and St Basil’s. That means SewBrum has now raised a total of £8,750 since […]

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Doraemon Emery Dress

When Rebecca invited me to take part in the World Book Day Blog Tour, after saying YES!, the first decision was what children’s book would inspire my project. As a child I was a voracious reader and, in particular, was seriously obsessed with Enid Blyton. Obsessed to the extent that

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Woven Opal in Kingsand

I’m off on holiday soon (to Reykjavik/New York/Boston), so work is busy at the moment as I try to wrap things up , and – of course – I’ve filled my evenings trying to make new garments/accessories for my holiday. I’ve knitted a new hat (I just have the pompom

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Midlands Sewcialists

I realised recently that I’m attending the local Weavers, Spinners, & Dyers Guild, and the Embroiderers’ Guild monthly, but I don’t meet with other local sewists nearly that often. In order to change that I’m suggesting having a regular catch-up in the diary once a month. Given that setting aside

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I’ve mentioned previously that I’m a big fan of Pom Pom Quarterly magazine and their podcast. The Autumn issue was my favourite from last year, but I also really enjoyed the winter issue. Each issue has a theme, and the theme of the winter issue was Biba. I have a bit

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2015 in One Blog Post

I’m lucky to be able to take two weeks off work over Christmas, but it always goes really quickly, so before I go back to work – and back to normal – tomorrow I thought it would be good to do a wrap-up of 2015. During 2015 I managed to complete all

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