Arachne Yoke

Yesterday was this year’s (and the ninth) SewBrum meet-up. Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket or donated a prize to the charity raffle, we raised £1,138 for this year’s charities; Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid and St Basil’s. That means SewBrum has now raised a total of £8,750 since it started back in 2014.

After a busy day of chatting and shopping yesterday, I spent this morning drinking tea, listening to podcasts and working on warping my loom for my next weaving project (a cotton bath mat). In the afternoon, Phil and I went for a walk through our local park and along the canal, stopping off for lunch and a drink before heading home. With Halloween tomorrow, it was the perfect opportunity to wear this spiderweb yoke, which I started in October 2019, abandoned, and then finished for the following Halloween.

This is the yoke of the Arachne sweater by Untangling Knots. I knit this using CaMaRose HVERDAGSULD yarn, purchased from Loop, but couldn’t achieve the correct gauge for the sweater with that yarn. My swatches were coming out too large, and using smaller needles resulted in a too dense fabric. After a year’s break from the project, I decided to made a start on the yoke as per pattern without changes and see how it went. When I reached the end of the yoke I could see that the sweater would definitely end up too large, so stopped at the end of the spiderweb section and added five rows of ribbing to finish the edge and wear it as a collar / yoke.

The top three photos were taken during today’s walk, but the remaining photos were taken in 2020, before finishing, and just after finishing, the yoke. I started growing out my blond hair dye during the initial covid lockdown and you can see it was past my fringe by these photos from October 2020!

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