
Fairytale Cape Revisited

The one downside of the knitted spider web yoke I wore yesterday, is that you can’t easily wear a jacket over it without it bunching up. As we were about to leave the house for a walk, I remembered that I had a cape hanging in the wardrobe, which I […]

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My 2021

I’ve always really enjoyed writing an end-of-year blog post, as an opportunity to remind myself what I got up to over the last 12 months and reminisce about the best bits. I also really enjoy revisiting those post a few years later on, as a neat encapsulation of my year.

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My 2020

Happy New Year everyone! I haven’t made time for blogging very often this year, but I always really enjoy taking the time to reflect on, and sum up, the year just gone here on the blog. I feel like I’ve sewn very few completed garments this year, but – thanks

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Unblogged Freya Dress

Weekend mornings are my favourite time to write blog posts, before the day begins in earnest, while the house and road still seem quiet. We are dropping our car off for an MOT in a couple of hours, probably followed by a long walk home, so I thought I’d make

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Linen Pietra Shorts

I decided to join in with the mini challenge Sew Over 50 are running this weekend (to share a previous holiday photo in a me-made garment), by finally posting about my Closet Case Patterns Pietra Shorts on the blog! I hadn’t previously sewn shorts, as I don’t wear them very

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