Floral Vogue V9253 (V1735)

Yesterday, we spent the day celebrating my cousin’s wedding. I previously made my first Vogue V9253 (which is now reprinted as V1735) for a family wedding, and thought this wedding would be the perfect opportunity to make the pattern again. My original V9253 was sewed in a rush (before a

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Acid Dyed Socks

Every other year, Birmingham Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers holds a dyeing day and it’s always one of my favourite meetings. It’s held in a fellow guild member’s garden, there’s a constant pot of tea on the go, and all attendees bring along a contribution for the buffet lunch.

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Fonda Jane Tees

We joined a gym at the end of last year, when one of the cheap gym chains opened a gym ten minutes walk from home, and I decided that it was the perfect excuse to make some custom exercise tees. I didn’t actually need any new tees, as cute/cool t-shirts

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2022 Wrap-Up

My absolute favourite blog post to write has always been an end-of-year overview of the last twelve months. You can’t beat a good reminisce and I thoroughly enjoy writing them – and having them available to read back later. Most of the sewing I’ve done this year has been of

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Yarn Stash Projects

Earlier this year, I decided to get my yarn stash organised and attempt to use it all up. My yarn stash isn’t especially large (unlike my fabric stash) so it’s a realistic aim and would challenge me to find projects for yarn that I’ve had sat in the house for

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Fairytale Cape Revisited

The one downside of the knitted spider web yoke I wore yesterday, is that you can’t easily wear a jacket over it without it bunching up. As we were about to leave the house for a walk, I remembered that I had a cape hanging in the wardrobe, which I

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