
A Week in Paris

Me and Phil recently spent a week in Paris. I’ve been travelling quite a bit for work lately so it was lovely to travel for pleasure instead:) While there we visited some sites we hadn’t explored on our  previous trips. Unsurprisingly Paris has a number of fashion museums, and we managed

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Travel Knitting

I recently started knitting – partly inspired by all of the amazing projects that have been appearing online of late & partly due to the fact that I’ve been travelling quite a bit lately (mainly for work) so needed a more portable craft. I’m glad I did as I’ve been able

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Travel Sewing

I’ve been in Istanbul for work recently. I made sure to do some sightseeing over the weekend but I also packed lots of supplies so that I had things to do if I felt more like staying in. Phil treated me to a smallish sewing machine for Christmas which would

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