Vintage Fashion at the Herbert Museum

Inspired by Chronically Vintage’s review of 1940s Fashion: The Definitive Sourcebook, I recently treated myself to an earlier volume in the series 1920s Fashion  and have been admiring the many, many (it has 600 pages) lovely illustrations this week. So I was in the perfect mood to visit the new exhibition at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars.

Herbert Art Gallery Flyer

The exhibition displays clothing and accessories from 1900 until the 1950s. It’s only a small exhibition but it contains a nice mixture of outfits, from day dresses and uniforms to evening and wedding dresses. For a number of the outfits information about the owner is displayed alongside. Obviously the evening and wedding dresses are the most exciting:) There are some nice accessories too, including a cloche hat and some very cool shoes – no pictures as they were behind glass.

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion Through Two World Wars

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