If You Don’t Already Love Luke Drozd’s Art You Will Soon

I’m indebted to Luke Drozd for supplying some amazing prints for the charity event me and colleagues organised recently. I was particularly excited to receive donations from Luke as I’m a huge fan. Not only is Luke generous he also produces some truly lovely screen prints.

Judging by recent updates to his blog & Facebook page, he’s also very busy at the moment. He has an exhibition of fine art at York College Gallery, he’s just published a book of comic strips, Dark Days and Other Tales (complete with button badge),  and he’s created some lovely screen printed band posters, including gorgeous festival posters for New Order & Graham Coxon (pictured below – images courtesy of Luke Drozd).

Luke posts on various social media sites so you can follow what he’s up to & get your debit card at the ready when a new poster is released. Why not like him on Facebook  or Twitter right now. He happens to be pretty damn funny as well so you can’t go wrong.

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