The Sewing Weekender 2018 Wrap-Up

The Sewing Weekender 2018

Ahh, I love a good meet-up. I’ve just booked my train ticket to Leeds for Sew Up North this weekend, and before too long passes and the memory fades, I wanted to blog a few thoughts and a few photos from the Sewing Weekender.

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The third Sewing Weekender took place during August at Murray Edwards College in Cambridge. It was the largest Weekender yet, with 100 attendees (including 5 speakers & experts, 3 organisers – that’s me, Kate and Rachel – and 92 attendees). 24 of our attendees had attended before, and it was lovely to see a mix of good friends and familiar faces, but also to meet some friends in person for the first time, and to know that different people are managing to get hold of tickets, given that they sold out in no time yet again this year.

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

To squeeze in one hundred attendees we were split across two rooms, coming together for tea and coffee breaks, and for lunch in the College dining room on Saturday. As in previous years, attendees worked on a sewing project (or two) of their choice. I’m always impressed that attendees manage to finish projects during the weekend. I think I’m quite a slow sewer, and am sure I would be slower than ever when there is so much opportunity to procrastinate talking, drinking tea, listing to talks, and attending workshops.

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

I’m also always impressed by how beautifully dressed our attendees are. Being surrounded by 100 sewists is a great opportunity to see a range of patterns made-up and ‘in the flesh’ (The Closet Case Patterns Jenny Overalls were a favourite this year). In previous years I have planned but failed to make an outfit specifically for the Weekender, but this year I was determined to, and I managed it! We had a warm, but intermittently wet, weekend, and the V9253 dress I made was ideal for swanning about the College.

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

When you organise an event, I find that you can never believe quite how quickly it speeds by, after such a long lead time preparing for it. I’ve been really lucky to work with Kate & Rachel (of The Fold Line), who make organising the Weekender very easy for me! One of my main tasks is receiving all of the lovely goodie bag booty from our sponsors, and hiring a big van to drive it, plus irons, ironing boards, and decorations, down to Cambridge. Setting up takes the three of us an age, but this year attendees pitched in when it was time to pack up, and with everyone boxing up a Janome sewing machine each, we were packed up in no time!

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

Our speakers were, yet again, total pros, giving insights into caring for your me-made (and RTW) garments (Harriet), the history of sewing pattern magazines and the development of the Maker’s Atelier magazine (Frances), setting up and running a fabric shop (Sheona), and practical advice on getting a book deal (Karen).

One of the many amazing things about the sewing community, is being part of a community of people (and mostly women) who are doing so many interesting and inspiring things. From sharing beautiful sewing projects and blog posts, publishing great podcasts/vlogs/newsletters, and organising events, through to making the commitment to start businesses, develop patterns, and write books. One of the other amazing things about this community, is that despite its members being busy, smart, and ambitious, they are also nice as pie. I’ll leave you with pictures of some exceedingly friendly faces, and hope to see you at a meet-up soon.

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

The Sewing Weekender 2018

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