Screen printed tees for a brother who has everything

It’s my brother’s birthday today. When we were younger it used to be really easy to buy him presents because we never had enough money to buy all the things we wanted, but now he has enough money to buy himself all the games & clothes he wants so he’s really difficult to buy presents for! This year I decided to screen print two tees for him instead.  I picked two characters he’s loved for a long time – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince and Ark, from the SNES RPG Terranigma.

Test print of the Little Prince:

Little Prince Screen Print

The Little Prince tee:

Little Prince Screen Printed Tee

Ark from Terranigma test print:

Screen Printed Ark from Terranigma

Ark from Terranigma tee:

Terranigma Screen Printed Tee

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