Printed Blue Jay

I carved a couple of small images in lino on Thursday evening. I carved them sat on the sofa in the living room while watching TV which probably isn’t ideal! I was a bit more careful when I printed them at least.

The first image is of a blue jay, a bird which is native to North America. Me and Phil are currently more than a little obsessed with the cartoon Regular Show, one of the lead characters in which is a blue jay, which is what inspired me to carve one. Here is my blue jay – a head shot and the full image. Unfortunately I don’t have any blue ink at the moment, so he’s a monochrome blue jay.

Blue Jay Linocut Print

Blue Jay Linocut Print

My second print was a floral image – the image is roughly based on a detail from a Chinese lacquer box. The first image below is the carved lino matrix used the print the image, and the resulting print is pictured below.

Flower Carved Linoleum Matrix

Flower Linocut Print

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