Pincushions Galore

Having found this great, quick pincushion tutorial on Nel Whatmore’s blog (thanks to Rachel at House of Pinheiro posting it on Facebook). I decided to have a go and ended up making four!

Handmade Pincushion

I made these in some lovely fat quarts I had saved up for some small projects. The buttons were all purchased in Birmingham rag market.

The first two below were made with fabric I bought in Guthrie & Ghani. The first is in Shelburne Falls Willow Vine and Leaf designed by Denyse Schmidt for Free Spirit Fabrics. The second is a Sevenberry fabric, which I also used to make a blouse. The buttons used are a flower design, and a deco-style button which rises to a point in the centre.

Handmade Pincushion

Handmade Pincushion

The fabric for the next two pincushions was purchased during a trip to Paris earlier this year. I’m unsure of the designer of the first, as it wasn’t printed on the selvedge of the piece I bought. The blue/green fabric used on the second is Echo by Lotta Jansdotter. The buttons used here are a simple blue button & a lovely flapper-style face button.

Handmade Pincushion

Handmade Pincushion

I really enjoyed making these and it took no time at all. Very satisfying:)

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