Pantone Challenge ‘Vivacious’ Meringue Skirt

In order to follow the Sew Weekly format here are the facts about this make:

The Facts

Fabric: Minna fabric from Ikea; 2 metres purchased but lots left over

Pantone Challenge colors: Vivacious

Pattern: Colette Patterns Meringue Skirt

Year: 2011

Time to complete: quite a while but it was my first skirt

First worn: last week to work

Wear again? yes! I’m wearing it today

Total Cost: £12 for fabric, plus the Colette Sewing Handbook (but I was buying that anyway)

When the theme for the Sew Weekly Reunion challenge was announced I knew I had to take part as I already had the perfect fabric in my stash. It’s a 100% cotton upholstery fabric from Ikea and a near perfect match for the ‘Vivacious’ colour included in Pantone’s Fall fashion colours.
Handmade Colette Patterns Meringue Skirt
The pattern used is Colette Patterns’ Meringue Skirt, from the Sewing Handbook. I treated myself to the book a few months ago as I wanted a good basic sewing guide and also fancied making up the patterns included with the book (well four out of five, one of them really doesn’t appeal). This is actually my very first skirt and it took me longer than it should have to get the waist facing correct but the pattern is easy to follow and it all came together well in the end. I added a lining in a deep blue satin (not required by the pattern but explained elsewhere in the Sewing Handbook).
Handmade Colette Patterns Meringue Skirt
I started making this skirt Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago when I realised that I hadn’t got any suitable lining fabric. Luckily for me I live 15 minutes drive from Barry’s Fabric so drove there just after opening time (and I wasn’t the only person already fabric shopping at 09:30!) to buy some lining and get sewing. A couple of hours later I remembered that I hadn’t gotten around to buying a suitably coloured zip so had to have a second trip into Birmingham for supplies. Whoops! Talk about poor preparation.
Handmade Colette Patterns Meringue Skirt
(Inspecting something in detail… This is why Phil doesn’t like having to take blog photos, I wiggle too much!)

P.S. The little blouse I’m wearing with my meringue was this week’s charity shop bargain at £2.99:)

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