Handmade Christmas baubles

Before Christmas is well and truly over I thought I’d post images of some homemade baubles I made for our tree this year. Me and my partner Phil bought and moved into our house this year so it was our first Christmas together and we had to start from scratch with the decorations. I was originally planning to make all the tree decorations myself but in the end I didn’t get enough time and had to add in some bought baubles to fill out the tree. However I did manage to make a decent selection – images below!

I painted two ceramic baubles at All Fired Arts in Kings Heath.
Handmade Christmas tree ornament
Handmade Christmas tree ornament

I also made a selection of sewn felt baubles. The idea for these came from Mollie Makes magazine, although I customised them slightly. I’m a big fan of Mollie Makes, Phil got me a subscription for Christmas which made me very happy:) It also meant I got one of my presents early as the first issue of my subscription arrived mid-December!

Handmade Christmas tree ornament
Handmade Christmas tree ornament
Handmade Christmas tree ornament
Handmade Christmas tree ornament

And finally, I attached ribbon to the back of a number of small felt toys I’d previously made, including this green elephant.

Handmade Christmas tree ornament

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